The development of inter-university cooperation, student mobility within the Erasmus+ and YUFE programmes and the presentation of the NCU's educational offer were the subject of a visit by a delegation from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń to Hassan II University of Casablanca in Morocco.
During the visit, our University was represented by dr habil. Magdalena Barwiołek, NCU Prof. - Vice-Rector for International Relations, Prof. dr habil. Maciej Serowaniec - Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration, and Ms Katarzyna Pawlonka from the Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility. The NCU representatives met with the authorities of Hassan II University of Casablanca: Prof. Fatima Zahra Alami, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs; Prof. Abdellatif Komat Dean of the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences; Prof. Salah Koubaa, Vice-Dean for Science and International Affairs; and Hind Tak-Tak Vice-Dean for Student Affairs, as well as the staff of the Faculty and the Department of International Cooperation.
We discussed the existing cooperation between the Nicolaus Copernicus University and the Hassan II University of Casablanca, as well as the possibility of expanding it through the Erasmus+ programme or our participation in the YUFE consortium, reports Prof. Magdalena Barwiołek. - During the meeting, we also touched upon the challenges facing our universities in the context of international cooperation and Poland's visa policy. Many ideas for cooperation and exchange of experience emerged.
The visit was an opportunity to discuss issues related to the implementation of current and planned joint scientific and educational projects, as well as publications. The NCU delegation also met with students to discuss our University's educational offer, Toruń's potential and the conditions for studying in Poland, including through the Erasmus+ exchange programme.
The visit also included a meeting with Andrzej Szydła, Consul of the Republic of Poland in Rabat.
Hassan II University of Casablanca (UH2C) is a public Moroccan university established in 1975.Its current shape is the result of the merger in 2014 of two universities: Hassan II University of Mohammedia with Hassan II University of Ain Chock. The university is made up of more than a dozen units (departments, schools and colleges) located in six campuses in Casablanca and Mohammedia. The degree programmes on offer - delivered mainly in French and Arabic - include bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in science and technology, health sciences, arts and humanities, as well as law, economics and management, among others. In order to increase its scientific potential and international visibility, the university is developing its research infrastructure (e.g. 125 laboratories, eight research centres, an observatory) and strengthening cooperation with foreign partners. In the last decade, the university has concluded more than 300 cooperation agreements with universities and organisations from around the world. The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń has the status of a strategic partner in this group. The universities (NCU as the leader and UH2C as one of the partners) are cooperating, among others, in the CLIDE project - 'interCultural Leadership in the Digital Era', which aims to prepare international joint master's degree programmes. The NCU will apply for a grant for the programme within the framework of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters.