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Evaluation survey

From January 25, 2025, an evaluation survey of didactic classes conducted in the winter semester will be available in the USOS system. Feedback from students and participants of postgraduate studies will enable to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the didactic process. It will be used to manage the university's didactic offer more efficiently.

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Closer cooperation with the Moroccan university

The development of inter-university cooperation, student mobility within the Erasmus+ and YUFE programmes and the presentation of the NCU's educational offer were the subject of a visit by a delegation from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń to Hassan II University of Casablanca in Morocco.

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Become a Civic Star

Want to refresh, diversify and boost your student's experience? Looking for a project that will let you develop your skills, work on your attitude, expand your knowledge, meet new people, gain a sense of belonging, find joy in helping others and… give you a star?

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Inauguration of the academic year

The inauguration ceremony for the 2024/2025 academic year, which will be a year of three anniversaries for the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, will begin on 1 October at 11:00 in the NCU Main Auditorium Aula. The event will be available to follow on the NCU TV website.

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New opening for YUFE

Young Universities for the Future of Europe, an alliance of universities co-developed by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, has launched an office in Brussels. This is the result of the transformation of the alliance, which began its existence as a project, into an association that is going beyond its earlier framework.

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New dean authorities

Rector- Elect Prof. dr habil. Andrzej Tretyn conferred the appointments to the deans elected for the term 2024-2028.

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YUFE is engaging the community

What are the legal and social challenges of integrating refugees into a new community? How to effectively provide support to those forced to migrate and those who assist them? What is the phenomenon of empathy fatigue and how to deal with it? These are just a mere fraction of the issues that will be addressed by the emerging YUFE Community Engagement Network.

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Post-doctoral career development

The second call for the YUFE4Postdocs programme lasts until 31 December 2023. It is a career development program for young scientists, which is co-funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Cofund.

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A season for discoveries

A research team from the Institute of Archeology at the Nicolaus Copernicus University has come across further interesting finds in Pień near Dąbrowa Chełmińska. Supervised by Prof. Dariusz Poliński from the Department of Mediaeval Period and Early Modern Period, the scientists are carrying on the exploration of the area in search of burial sites placed in the early mediaeval and early modern, presumably Protestant, cemetery.

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NCU in the Shanghai ranking

The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń is one of nine universities in Poland listed in this year's Academic Ranking of World Universities. The world's oldest ranking of universities classifies the top 1,000 universities in the world.

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Finale of the World Copernican Congress

The final part of the celebrations of the World Copernican Congress touring Poland and following the map of Nicolaus Copernicus' life and profession is now on its way. From 12 to 16 September, Toruń will again be the venue for the congress' scientific and cultural events.

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Are you a FOREIGNER (do not have Polish citizenship)?


Are you very INTERESTED in your field of study or related sciences?

Our Summer Camp is FOR YOU!!! 

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Upcoming World Copernican Congress

The World Copernican Congress, organised to mark the 550th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus, will begin on February 19th with a ceremony in the NCU Aula.

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Around the world's most famous scientific book

The celebration of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth will be accompanied by the exhibition "Of all books the most worthy of reading.... Around De revolutionibus," co-organized by the University Library.

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YUFE Minors

Until October 15, students can apply for the YUFE MINORS program, which offers participation in a special block of subjects at the European universities that make up the YUFE consortium.

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New Rector's Order

Order No. 31 of the NCU Rector on special rules for the functioning of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in relation to the prevention of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus shall be repealed.

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Continuation or change? Borders and Frontiers in Late Antiquity and Medieval Europe: Landscape of Power Network, Military Organisation and Commerce

This volume examines interdisciplinary boundaries, and includes texts focusing on material culture, philological analysis and historical research. What they all have in common are zones that lie in between, not treated as mere barriers, but also places of exchange in the early Middle Ages.

Focusing on borderlands, Continuation or change uncovers what the changing political and military organisations were and what significance the functioning of former borderland areas had. The chapters answer how the fiscal and military apparatus was organised, what the turning points in the division of dynastic power were, and what the assimilation of certain symbolic and ideological elements of the imperial tradition meant. Finally, the authors offer answers to what exactly was a “statehood without a state” when it came to semi-peripheral and peripheral areas that were also perceived through the prism of the idea of a world system, network theory, or the concept of so-called negotiating borderlands.

Continuation or change is a useful resource for upper-level undergraduates, postgraduates, and scholars interested in medieval warfare, Eastern European history, medieval border-regions and cross-cultural interaction.

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Like a Child in a Sweet Shop: Advertising Sweets in Jewish Newspaper in Interwar Poland

 The proposed paper will ask to present the place of sweets goods as chocolate, chewing gum, Halva, confitures, liqueurs, and backing products, among Polish-Jewry during the 20's and the 30's. I will do so by analysis of newspaper advertisements of a variety of sweets, as well as its references in ego documents. By doing so, I aim not only to shed new light on issues related to culinary characteristics among Polish Jews, but also to indicate consumerism patterns, Kosher and other religious debates, intergeneration gaps, gender issues, the concept of orientalism, and the approach towards Zionism and the Land of Israel.

In addition to the political and social aspects, I would like to add to the discussion the emotional layer. The passion for sweets is well manifested in literature and many ego-documents related to the interwar years. Children, as well as grownups, were attracted to all kinds of sweet food and found candies and deserts as comforting and mood enhancers. Sweets – and specifically chocolate – are also attached to romantic love in the "western" world. This paper will also ask to find the correlation or gaps between the image of sweets in the newspapers advertainments and its' presentation in ego documents. 

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Help for Ukraine

Ladies and Gentlemen,

we wish to inform you about the actions which the University authorities have decided to take in relations to the war in Ukraine.

We have taken the following decisions concerning help for our Ukrainian students and doctoral students:

  1. exemption from tuition fees in the summer semester
  2. exemption from dormitory fees
  3. relief payments due to contingency.

Detailed information and application forms can be found at:

Coordination of material aid lies within the competences of the Recruitment and Student Affairs Department, contact information in Toruń part:, tel.  +48 56 611 22 30 and +48 56 611 20 73, in Bydgoszcz part:, tel. +48 52 585 33 88.

The University will assist in seeking accommodation for our Ukrainian students, doctoral students and employees.

We aim to mobilize funds for research projects for Ukrainian scholars, doctoral candidates, and students and to develop a special recruitment path for Ukrainian refugees. We also plan to establish a stationary contact point for Ukrainian applicants to our University. 

Free psychiatric aid for our Ukrainian students, doctoral students and NCU employees is provided by Araszkiewicz Health Center Centrum “Łaźnia Miejska"; tel. +48 500305485, Help is provided in an emergency mode (outside the prior appointments schedule). Free psychological help, also on an emergency basis, is provided by therapists from the University Support and Development Center; tel. +48 56 611 49 83,      

We are setting up the e-mail address, to which requests for support or intervention can be sent, as well as questions concerning help and proposals for action (in Ukrainian, Polish, English and Russian).

NCU website will contain up-to-date information regarding the possibilities of receiving or providing help, as well as further actions by the University (the information will be available in Ukrainian, Polish, English and Russian).

Matters related to the situation in Ukraine are monitored and coordinated by the crisis team, headed by Professor Wojciech Wysota, PhD.

We also inform, that all persons from Ukraine seeking help can also contact Kujawsko-Pomorski Voivodeship Office via Polish- and Ukrainian-speaking helpline, tel. + 48 52 3497804 and + 48 52 3497461.


We believe that the ongoing tragedy of Ukraine will soon end.

We are with You!

Rector and Chancellor authorities of Nicolaus Copernicus University

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"Solidarity with Ukraine"

We have received the information of Russian troops attacking Ukraine with disbelief and great concern. Every war is a black card in the history of humanity and contradicts the universal values held by the academic community.  

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"Who is the Fairest of Them All?": Jewish Beauty Pageant in Interwar Poland

In 1929, the Polish-Jewish newspaper “Nasz Przegląd” announced “Miss Judaea Contest” – Beauty Pageant exclusively for Jewish ladies. In the following year, the Yiddish newspaper "Unzer Express" launched an additional similar contest. This talk aims to focus on two elements related to the Jewish Beauty Pageants in Interwar Poland: First, by using quantitative research methods, I aim to reveal the aesthetics and fashionable elements of the typical Jewish young women. The second part of the paper is devoted to the vivid discussions that the contest aroused both in the Jewish community in Poland and in other Jewish communities abroad.

The lecture will take place on December 13th at 5 pm, in the room C.0.39, Collegium Humanisticum UMK. The speech will be given in English and streamed online.

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Nicolaus Copernicus University in the Week of Tolerance

The Nicolaus Copernicus University joins the celebrations of the International Day of Tolerance. On November 16, at the University Sports Center stadium, a football match will be played with the participation of male and female students from Poland and abroad, the staff of Nicolaus Copernicus University and representatives of the city. A relay race is also planned.

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What about a PhD at YUFE?

Are you a student in your final or penultimate year of studies? Or an early-stage researcher? Would you like to find out more about the possibilities of starting a PhD within The YUFE Alliance? 

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5,000 Years of History of Domestic Cats in Central Europe

The history of human and cat relationships began 10,000 years ago. Its origins, however, still remain a mystery mainly due to scarcity of research material. Gaps in our knowledge in the subject are successfully filled by a group of researchers from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. An article discussing the topic has recently been published in PNAS, a prestigious official journal of the National Academy of Sciences. The first author is Dr Magdalena Krajcarz who has made an attempt to find ancestors of domestic cats in Neolithic Central Europe.

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Remote teaching and conducting examinations - Order No. 110

Order No. 110 of the Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń of 27 May 2020 on providing teaching classes in a remote mode and method of conducting examinations and credit assessment.

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National Congress of Science Forum on doctoral schools

On 20 March the second debate of the National Congress of Science was held at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. The Forum focused on doctoral schools - a new form of doctoral education, introduced in the Act 2.0.

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Extraordinary discovery of archaeologists

Two PhD students in archaeology - Mateusz Sosnowski (Institute of Archaeology, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) and Jerzy Czerniec (Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences, NCU graduate) - made an extraordinary discovery in the Tuchola Forest. Thanks to the use of innovative methods of spatial analysis of the Digital Terrain Model, they were able to observe relics of a human settlement, preserved on the surface of the forest, dating from about 2 thousand years ago.

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